Post by AnthroHeart on Aug 22, 2023 21:59:58 GMT
I believe the causal body can affect the physical body. So I've been sending healing to my causal body. I've also asked angels to help heal my causal body. Even though it might not need healing. I don't know. But I feel it working. It's helped heal a headache I had. And it feels blissful.
Post by AnthroHeart on Aug 22, 2023 22:17:51 GMT
I have a headache again after sending healing to my causal body.
After a little break, and sending healing again, my headache is gone again.
According to ChatGPT "The causal body in Vedanta represents the realm of deep sleep, where the individual experiences a state of pure potentiality and bliss. It is associated with the seed or causal state of all other aspects of existence and is considered the source of the subtle and gross aspects of the self, such as thoughts, emotions, and physical manifestations."
Post by AnthroHeart on Aug 22, 2023 23:05:50 GMT
I am doing "I am my causal body." and I feel a transformation. I'm repeating it to myself, and it's a little blissful. I feel it pushing on my chakras.
"I am my causal body on the causal plane." It feels more free.