Post by reden on Aug 19, 2023 22:32:53 GMT
I found these in some Starseed subreddits. They're rather good. They're channeled by somebody called "Rei Rei" who "more than a reading", claims to be able to connect you to extraterrestrial parallel lifetimes of you. After every reading of his in Reddit there is the message: "If you’d like a Starseed Astrology Reading whereby I connect you to your otherworldly selves, drop me a message. The readings aren’t free but are done professionally. -Rei Rei"
Arcturian Message: The Cosmic Vine
Arcturian Message: What Are You Channeling?
Arcturian Message: Your Cosmic Commonality
Arcturian Message: Simultaneous Simulations
Pleiadian Message: Cycles of Time
Arcturian Message: Divine Discernment
Arcturian Message: The Cosmic Vine
There are only two states of being in existence, alignment, and misalignment.
Misalignment means that you’re out of tune with the frequency of your higher self, which also skews your direction, taking you to a lower-density timeline. During misaligned states, you experience more reflections that highlight your resistance to the ever-changing scenes of the cosmic drama.
Alignment is the state of surrender many a yogi on your planet calls yoga, which is union with the divine. This state is called union because when you’re aligned, your higher and lower minds integrate together in perfect harmony, creating equilibrium within you on all levels.
The Ascended Master on your world known as Yeshua or Jesus Christ, used the analogy of a vine to be connected to the wisdom of the source. What he’s really referring to is the state of conscious attunement with cosmic intelligence. When you’re aligned, you’re connected to the di-vine mind and have access to all information that’s been recorded in the Akashic Records.
Past, present and future conjoin into one when you’re aligned with your innate timelessness. We understand that the experience most of you are having seems to be a perpetual oscillation from alignment to misalignment and then back to alignment. Allow this to be. It's all part of the process as this is the best way to gradually dissolve the mayic illusions of linear space and time from your perception of reality.
Creative activity is also a good way of being connected to the vine of cosmic intelligence. When you surrender completely to any creative act – your ego takes a backseat as that nonconceptual intelligence takes over. It feels like you’re acting on autopilot but in truth, you’re not acting at all – it is the source utilising you as an instrument of creation.
There are only two states of being in existence, alignment, and misalignment.
Misalignment means that you’re out of tune with the frequency of your higher self, which also skews your direction, taking you to a lower-density timeline. During misaligned states, you experience more reflections that highlight your resistance to the ever-changing scenes of the cosmic drama.
Alignment is the state of surrender many a yogi on your planet calls yoga, which is union with the divine. This state is called union because when you’re aligned, your higher and lower minds integrate together in perfect harmony, creating equilibrium within you on all levels.
The Ascended Master on your world known as Yeshua or Jesus Christ, used the analogy of a vine to be connected to the wisdom of the source. What he’s really referring to is the state of conscious attunement with cosmic intelligence. When you’re aligned, you’re connected to the di-vine mind and have access to all information that’s been recorded in the Akashic Records.
Past, present and future conjoin into one when you’re aligned with your innate timelessness. We understand that the experience most of you are having seems to be a perpetual oscillation from alignment to misalignment and then back to alignment. Allow this to be. It's all part of the process as this is the best way to gradually dissolve the mayic illusions of linear space and time from your perception of reality.
Creative activity is also a good way of being connected to the vine of cosmic intelligence. When you surrender completely to any creative act – your ego takes a backseat as that nonconceptual intelligence takes over. It feels like you’re acting on autopilot but in truth, you’re not acting at all – it is the source utilising you as an instrument of creation.
Arcturian Message: What Are You Channeling?
As we said in our last message through Rei, there are only two states in your physical experience: alignment and misalignment. Let us explore these two states deeper now.
When you’re aligned, you’re in harmony with the universe and within the collective framework of your Earthly realm. You channel the wisdom of your higher self and are guided, through synchronicity, unto the fulfilment of your destiny.
In misaligned states, you’re in resistance to the natural ebb and flow of your life. You shift to timelines which contain more challenges, and obstacles than usual, which show that your perception is misaligned.
In alignment, you channel your higher self, also, some of your ET selves can also channel through you if there is an agreement in spirit for such a dynamic to take place. You receive innovative ideas via eureka moments and sudden flashes of realisation.
In misalignment, you channel what some call the collective unconscious. This is the collective unconscious mind of humanity, which provides the contrast necessary that enables you to see truth as a result of experiencing illusions. This is the collective pain many of you are subject to in your society right now. Even online, which is a collective in of itself, many of you are sacrificing your individuality to align with this unconscious hive mind by supporting many of the toxic and limiting beliefs that are prevalent in your society.
To fit in at the expense of your true self isn’t to align with the collective, paradoxically, but to be under the influence of the collective unconscious. The only way you can truly fit in is to be yourself and your true self will naturally stand out from the crowd. Today, we encourage you to simply be yourself.
The universe created you to be a certain, shape, colour and size in the collective picture puzzle of creation, but if you’re just a copy of other pieces, you’ll never find your place in the world.
As we said in our last message through Rei, there are only two states in your physical experience: alignment and misalignment. Let us explore these two states deeper now.
When you’re aligned, you’re in harmony with the universe and within the collective framework of your Earthly realm. You channel the wisdom of your higher self and are guided, through synchronicity, unto the fulfilment of your destiny.
In misaligned states, you’re in resistance to the natural ebb and flow of your life. You shift to timelines which contain more challenges, and obstacles than usual, which show that your perception is misaligned.
In alignment, you channel your higher self, also, some of your ET selves can also channel through you if there is an agreement in spirit for such a dynamic to take place. You receive innovative ideas via eureka moments and sudden flashes of realisation.
In misalignment, you channel what some call the collective unconscious. This is the collective unconscious mind of humanity, which provides the contrast necessary that enables you to see truth as a result of experiencing illusions. This is the collective pain many of you are subject to in your society right now. Even online, which is a collective in of itself, many of you are sacrificing your individuality to align with this unconscious hive mind by supporting many of the toxic and limiting beliefs that are prevalent in your society.
To fit in at the expense of your true self isn’t to align with the collective, paradoxically, but to be under the influence of the collective unconscious. The only way you can truly fit in is to be yourself and your true self will naturally stand out from the crowd. Today, we encourage you to simply be yourself.
The universe created you to be a certain, shape, colour and size in the collective picture puzzle of creation, but if you’re just a copy of other pieces, you’ll never find your place in the world.
Arcturian Message: Your Cosmic Commonality
Humanity, we and many other races observe, is upon the precipice of great change and transformation. Your collective is awakening, yet seemingly becoming more divided simultaneously. This is because your collective is splitting into two distinct groups. Those who wish to further fracture your society, by focusing solely upon externalised differences between you all will remain on a timeline where those illusory compartmentalisations are over-emphasised.
We encourage you today to realise and meditate on your cosmic commonality, which you not only have in common with each other, despite your race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, but also with all of the Extraterrestrial races in the entirety of creation.
By focusing upon that one, fundamental commonality you have with all that is and all of its expressions, you automatically shift to timelines where there is more harmony and coherence within your society. In the higher timelines, there is an appreciation of externalised differences, while you’re also simultaneously aware of the one, cosmic commonality you have in common, pun intended.
In the Interstellar and Galactic councils through the Galaxy and beyond, this cosmic commonality is one of the first principles. Yeshua, your avatar of the Piscean age mentioned it when he said: “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” What he was saying in essence is that you are one with everyone else; whatsoever you do unto them, ye do unto yourselves.
We appreciate the vastness of the variety that exists throughout creation. Many human beings cannot even live with different expressions of the human genome; this tendency must be transcended collectively before you become initiated into the Interstellar Alliance. You must not allow alienism to become the new racism. When you achieve world peace (which exists already in some timelines) then you must begin the task of achieving universal peace and harmony. Again, focusing on your cosmic commonality is the key.
Humanity, we and many other races observe, is upon the precipice of great change and transformation. Your collective is awakening, yet seemingly becoming more divided simultaneously. This is because your collective is splitting into two distinct groups. Those who wish to further fracture your society, by focusing solely upon externalised differences between you all will remain on a timeline where those illusory compartmentalisations are over-emphasised.
We encourage you today to realise and meditate on your cosmic commonality, which you not only have in common with each other, despite your race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, but also with all of the Extraterrestrial races in the entirety of creation.
By focusing upon that one, fundamental commonality you have with all that is and all of its expressions, you automatically shift to timelines where there is more harmony and coherence within your society. In the higher timelines, there is an appreciation of externalised differences, while you’re also simultaneously aware of the one, cosmic commonality you have in common, pun intended.
In the Interstellar and Galactic councils through the Galaxy and beyond, this cosmic commonality is one of the first principles. Yeshua, your avatar of the Piscean age mentioned it when he said: “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” What he was saying in essence is that you are one with everyone else; whatsoever you do unto them, ye do unto yourselves.
We appreciate the vastness of the variety that exists throughout creation. Many human beings cannot even live with different expressions of the human genome; this tendency must be transcended collectively before you become initiated into the Interstellar Alliance. You must not allow alienism to become the new racism. When you achieve world peace (which exists already in some timelines) then you must begin the task of achieving universal peace and harmony. Again, focusing on your cosmic commonality is the key.
Arcturian Message: Simultaneous Simulations
If any of you are familiar with what is known as the Holodeck in your Star Trek television series, you’ll understand what we mean when we say that in physical reality, each of you are in a simulation that was designed, initially by your higher self. You chose the exact time you were birthed into the matter; along with your family, friends, cultural background, religion (if you have one) and so on.
Yet, this simulation can be edited and changed as a result of you shifting timelines. Today, we aim to show you how to do just that.
It is much simpler than you believe. Your perception is your mental body, and the mental body exists in the causal realm, which is the blueprint level for your physical and astral experiences. If you change the blueprint, then the denser versions of those blueprints (physical and astral timelines), change along with it.
Every single change to your perception, edits, alters the simulation you personally experience, thus the timeline you inhabit as well. This is why we encourage you to stay positive while you continue to do the shadow work which brings into the light of your awareness those limiting or fear-based beliefs that keep you on timelines, experiencing realities that you do not prefer.
We exist on the causal plane, and so do you, but the linear, space-time framework of physical reality often obscures your perception, thus most of you are unaware of your multidimensional nature.
To expand your consciousness is to expand your awareness, and when you do that, you begin to see the unconscious filters, lenses through which you’ve been perceiving your physical reality simulation. As your Carl Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will control your life, and you will call it fate.”
Today, we remind you to continue to endeavour to become more self-aware, which will ultimately empower you to shift to your highest timeline!
If any of you are familiar with what is known as the Holodeck in your Star Trek television series, you’ll understand what we mean when we say that in physical reality, each of you are in a simulation that was designed, initially by your higher self. You chose the exact time you were birthed into the matter; along with your family, friends, cultural background, religion (if you have one) and so on.
Yet, this simulation can be edited and changed as a result of you shifting timelines. Today, we aim to show you how to do just that.
It is much simpler than you believe. Your perception is your mental body, and the mental body exists in the causal realm, which is the blueprint level for your physical and astral experiences. If you change the blueprint, then the denser versions of those blueprints (physical and astral timelines), change along with it.
Every single change to your perception, edits, alters the simulation you personally experience, thus the timeline you inhabit as well. This is why we encourage you to stay positive while you continue to do the shadow work which brings into the light of your awareness those limiting or fear-based beliefs that keep you on timelines, experiencing realities that you do not prefer.
We exist on the causal plane, and so do you, but the linear, space-time framework of physical reality often obscures your perception, thus most of you are unaware of your multidimensional nature.
To expand your consciousness is to expand your awareness, and when you do that, you begin to see the unconscious filters, lenses through which you’ve been perceiving your physical reality simulation. As your Carl Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will control your life, and you will call it fate.”
Today, we remind you to continue to endeavour to become more self-aware, which will ultimately empower you to shift to your highest timeline!
Pleiadian Message: Cycles of Time
PLEIADIAN MESSAGE: CYCLES OF TIME PART I {no part II or otherwise that I saw}
Cycles of time, perpetually spin upon the cradle of existence. Beginnings, endings, positive, negative, war and peace, these dualities belong to the ever-present fog of time, which provides the framework for physical reality.
Many of your ancient cultures were aware of these cosmic cycles present within your earth-sphere. India, for example, through their yuga system named four such cycles: Satya (Gold), Treta (Silver), Dwapara (Bronze) and Kali (Dark). Through the Vedic teachings, they state that the closer your Sun moves toward its dual star (every star has one), the more enlightened your civilization becomes. It takes your Sun around 24,000 years to orbit its dual star, and 12,000 of those years are spent moving toward the Galactic Centre too, whereas the other 12,000 are spent moving away from it. This roughly, 24,000-year cycle is also responsible for the wobble of the earth and its poles, otherwise known as the precession of the equinoxes.
The Vedas called the Galactic centre, Vishnunabi, which is the navel of Vishnu, whereby Brahma, the creative force of the universe resides. The closer man moves toward this epicenter, the higher the frequency of his collective consciousness. Vishnu is the Christ Consciousness, that intelligence of the source which is present within every cubic inch and atom in the realm of space-time.
Is it any wonder why history repeats itself on your world? It is because humanity is enslaved by these cosmic cycles of time. Becoming more conscious, then falling back into unconsciousness in a clockwork fashion. The key to healing this and ultimately transcending the fourth dimension of time is to ascend into 5D (into timelessness).
Through our observations, from a timeless perspective, we have seen civilizations come and go, again like clockwork. Some destroyed themselves, others were destroyed by cataclysms.
Today, we wish to remind you that your true, inner self is timeless and when you master the here and now, you enter the Eternal Now, the window through which all realities reside. The more humanity can master the subtle art of living in the now, the quicker your ascension process occurs.
Cycles of time, perpetually spin upon the cradle of existence. Beginnings, endings, positive, negative, war and peace, these dualities belong to the ever-present fog of time, which provides the framework for physical reality.
Many of your ancient cultures were aware of these cosmic cycles present within your earth-sphere. India, for example, through their yuga system named four such cycles: Satya (Gold), Treta (Silver), Dwapara (Bronze) and Kali (Dark). Through the Vedic teachings, they state that the closer your Sun moves toward its dual star (every star has one), the more enlightened your civilization becomes. It takes your Sun around 24,000 years to orbit its dual star, and 12,000 of those years are spent moving toward the Galactic Centre too, whereas the other 12,000 are spent moving away from it. This roughly, 24,000-year cycle is also responsible for the wobble of the earth and its poles, otherwise known as the precession of the equinoxes.
The Vedas called the Galactic centre, Vishnunabi, which is the navel of Vishnu, whereby Brahma, the creative force of the universe resides. The closer man moves toward this epicenter, the higher the frequency of his collective consciousness. Vishnu is the Christ Consciousness, that intelligence of the source which is present within every cubic inch and atom in the realm of space-time.
Is it any wonder why history repeats itself on your world? It is because humanity is enslaved by these cosmic cycles of time. Becoming more conscious, then falling back into unconsciousness in a clockwork fashion. The key to healing this and ultimately transcending the fourth dimension of time is to ascend into 5D (into timelessness).
Through our observations, from a timeless perspective, we have seen civilizations come and go, again like clockwork. Some destroyed themselves, others were destroyed by cataclysms.
Today, we wish to remind you that your true, inner self is timeless and when you master the here and now, you enter the Eternal Now, the window through which all realities reside. The more humanity can master the subtle art of living in the now, the quicker your ascension process occurs.
Arcturian Message: Divine Discernment
Humanity is on the precipice of momentous changes, both within your collective and outer reality, which mirror one another meticulously. We, and the other races who are overseeing your development, are aware of how much of a powerful tool, the internet has become on your world over the last couple of decades.
Like any tool, the internet can be used positively, by bringing people together, sharing useful knowledge, and resources, or negatively, being used to spread hate, or propaganda, which causes nothing but an amplification of the illusion of separation you experience in physical reality.
Today, we remind you to tap into the intelligence and power that is built within you. So much of the content online regarding ETs is simply misinformation, that has tactfully been planted into your collective to make you fear your cosmic families. Go within, to the discriminating power of your higher self, to ask yourself if the content you are consuming is true, and comes from a place of love, or a place of fear…
This will be a very simple, yet important technique to implement over the coming months. So many of the ‘whistleblowers’ who claim to be acting in your highest interest are doing nothing but reinforcing the notion that we are a threat. However, the biggest threat to humanity is humanity itself.
Our ships do not crash – they are shot down by your scalar weapons that surround your world. Yet, there has been no retaliation on our behalf; as you like to say, the proof is in the pudding – we do have your best interests at heart, much unlike many of the people in power on your world.
Feel the content you consume within the still waters of your heart. Ask your higher self if it is true. We are telling you this now, because of the recent acceleration of lies that is being injected into your mainstream media. Do not allow anyone or anything to tell you how to think or feel – utilize your divine discernment.
Humanity is on the precipice of momentous changes, both within your collective and outer reality, which mirror one another meticulously. We, and the other races who are overseeing your development, are aware of how much of a powerful tool, the internet has become on your world over the last couple of decades.
Like any tool, the internet can be used positively, by bringing people together, sharing useful knowledge, and resources, or negatively, being used to spread hate, or propaganda, which causes nothing but an amplification of the illusion of separation you experience in physical reality.
Today, we remind you to tap into the intelligence and power that is built within you. So much of the content online regarding ETs is simply misinformation, that has tactfully been planted into your collective to make you fear your cosmic families. Go within, to the discriminating power of your higher self, to ask yourself if the content you are consuming is true, and comes from a place of love, or a place of fear…
This will be a very simple, yet important technique to implement over the coming months. So many of the ‘whistleblowers’ who claim to be acting in your highest interest are doing nothing but reinforcing the notion that we are a threat. However, the biggest threat to humanity is humanity itself.
Our ships do not crash – they are shot down by your scalar weapons that surround your world. Yet, there has been no retaliation on our behalf; as you like to say, the proof is in the pudding – we do have your best interests at heart, much unlike many of the people in power on your world.
Feel the content you consume within the still waters of your heart. Ask your higher self if it is true. We are telling you this now, because of the recent acceleration of lies that is being injected into your mainstream media. Do not allow anyone or anything to tell you how to think or feel – utilize your divine discernment.