I have released v4.0 of the Nesting File Creation Utility. It should be faster than ever.
You can find it in my gitHub, mentioned above.
There is only one bug that I know of. Though it is minor.
If you choose N to create zip archive, it still deletes all the files and creates a ZIP anyway
with just one P0 file. So choose Y to create an archive.
If you want the nesting files themselves, you can use the previous version until I get this bug worked out.
I changed, for example, NEST-0.TXT -> P0
P is for Power.
So 100 files would be P0 - P100.
P0 is the reference to INTENTIONS.TXT.
If you want to run the Repeater with Power Level 40, for instance, you would just put in the Repeater: P40
Or to run at full power, put in the Repeater: NESTFILES.ZIP
This is the fastest conversion tool yet. They should compress even faster.
When I can figure out how to remove spaces between the P0 and such in the files, that would be great.
If you look in the code, you'll see a CHUNK_SIZE variable. That is how many Power Files to write to the ZIP at a time.
I compile using what's in the code as well: clang++-9 -O3 -Wall -static ./Repeater_Nesting_Utility_4.0.cpp -o ./Repeater_Nesting_Utility_4.0